for interior decoration, wall/partition cover, pole/column cover, wood material

Create a Tambour window that functions like a curtain with V-grooved flexible wood panel board (Tambour board)


Create a Tambour Window that functions like a curtain with V-grooved flexible and rollable wood panel board (Tambour board)


The best Tambour boards, V-grooved Flexible wood panel boards in three layers, top in selected wood veneer, middle MDF board and back with textile support then V-grooved or fluted on the upper two layers for the flexible and rollable character and with wood slats design will be the best selection for this  Tambour Window material.


Specification sheet of flexible and rollable wood panel board (Tambour board)




尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

結構: 頂層 木質飾面 中層 MDF 板 底層 ECO 樹脂增強無紡布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages:  Tambour window, V-grooved flexible wood panel board, Tambour board, ECO MDF, ECO MDF Tambour board, Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting



It is possible to create a Tambour window that functions like a curtain. This type of Tambour window would have a flexible and rollable design, allowing you to easily open and close it to control light, ventilation, and privacy. Here’s how you can achieve a Tambour window with a curtain-like functionality.

Achieve a Tambour Window with a curtain-like functionality by using flexible and rollable wood panel  Tambour board
















For this Tambour Window, the thickness of the V-grooved flexible wood panel board (Tambour board) in 3 mm or thinner is recommended.

For a Tambour Window with a curtain-like design, a thickness of around 3 mm or thinner for the V-grooved flexible wood panel board (Tambour board) would be suitable. Thinner Tambour boards are more flexible, which would allow for easier rolling and unrolling, resembling the movement of a curtain. However, the specific thickness may depend on the material properties and the overall design of the window.

Some considerations for choosing the thickness of the 百葉板



Durability: Thicker V-grooved flexible wood panel board (Tambour board) might provide more durability, but the flexible nature of the Tambour design generally ensures that even thinner V-grooved flexible wood panel board (Tambour Board) can withstand the rolling and unrolling process.


Hardware and Mechanism: Ensure that the chosen thickness is compatible with any hardware or track system you plan to use for the Tambour Window.


ECO MDF V-grooved flexible wood panel board (Tambour board) recommended:

使用ECO MDF(中密度纖維板)V型溝可彎曲木質面板(捲簾板)可能是創建卷簾式窗戶的合適選擇。ECO MDF捲簾板是傳統MDF的環保替代品,通常由回收或可持續材料製成,並使用環保製造工藝生產。以下是為什麼ECO MDF捲簾板可能是不錯的選擇的一些原因。

Environmental Considerations ECO MDF board is designed to be more environmentally friendly compared to standard MDF board. It is often made from recycled wood fibers or sustainably sourced wood, reducing the demand for new raw materials.

具備彈性和可加工性的ECO MDF V型溝可彎曲木質面板(捲簾板)保留了傳統MDF的可加工和靈活特性。可以輕鬆剪裁、塑形和操控以創建所需的捲簾板設計。

光滑表面 ECO MDF V型溝可彎曲木質面板(捲簾板)通常具有光滑一致的表面,可為您的捲簾窗提供拋光和精緻的外觀。

美學選項 ECO MDF V型溝可彎曲木質面板(捲簾板)可以使用各種塗料、染料或貼面來實現您捲簾窗所需的美學效果,與窗簾般的設計相得益彰。

環保生產 ECO V型溝可彎曲木質面板(捲簾板)的製造過程通常涉及使用低揮發性有機化合物(VOC)的黏合劑和可持續實踐,符合環保意識價值觀。

厚度選擇 ECO MDF提供多種不同厚度的選擇,讓您可以選擇適合捲簾窗所需的彈性和外觀的厚度。

在考慮使用ECO MDF V型溝可彎曲木質面板(捲簾板)進行捲簾窗專案時,確認您所考慮的ECO MDF產品的具體特性和認證是重要的。此外,請確保所選擇的V型溝可彎曲木質面板(捲簾板)的厚度和設計符合您專案的功能和美觀要求。

關鍵詞 Tambour window, V-grooved flexible wood panel board, Tambour board, ECO MDF, ECO MDF Tambour board, Tambour boards, V-grooved Flexible wood panel boards, ECO MDF, ECO MDF Tambour board