furniture covered by designed V-grooved wood panel board, interior wood paneling, timber panel, wall panel, wood panel, panel wood, wood panel wall for wall and furniture decoration, wood panel on furniture, Flexible Wood Board



The DIY process for covering the old furniture surface with flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) can renew old furniture


The flexibility of the flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) with V-grooved slats design or half-round fluted sticks pattern, these grooved lines allows them be flexible and bendable to easily conform to the shape of objects. This ensures a seamless and smooth outer cover, enhancing the overall appearance. The flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) can be easily cut, trimmed, or reshaped to fit various diameters and lengths of old furnitures. This customization capability allows for a tailored fit for each specific application. Flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) could cut and re-composite to new design or shape by user or designer with simple knife, saw or scissors without power tools. The flexibility and lightweight nature of the flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) contribute to a straightforward and efficient installation process. This is particularly beneficial for covering multiple old furniture surface in a short amount of time.

Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards)

柔性凹槽半圓形實木或 MDF 木棒牆板


尺寸:4英尺 x 8英尺(1200 mm x 2400 mm)







尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

結構: 頂層 木質飾面 中層 MDF 板 底層 ECO 樹脂增強無紡布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, curved covers, interior decoration, flexible wood panel boards, curved wall, round pole, furniture surface covering, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels,


DIY process for covering the furniture surface with flexible grooved wood slats wood panel boards (Tambour boards) for references:

  1. Preparation: Gather all the necessary materials and tools, including the flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) with V-grooved wood flat slats or fluted half-round sticks design, measuring tape, utility knife, adhesive or glue suitable for wood, and a smooth cloth for cleaning.
  2. Measurement: Measure the dimensions of the furniture surface that you want to cover with the flexible wood panel boards(Tambour boards).  Make sure to add a slight overlap to ensure a seamless and secure fit.
  3. 切割:使用多功能刀將可彎曲的木製面板(捲簾板)切割成測量的尺寸。確保精確的切割,以獲得整潔而專業的表面。
  4. 清潔:徹底清潔家具表面,以去除任何塵埃、污垢或油脂,這將有助於黏合劑更好地與木材結合。
  5. 塗抹黏合劑:將黏合劑或膠水塗抹在可彎曲的木製面板(捲簾板)的背面。確保均勻地覆蓋整個表面。
  6. 固定可彎曲的木製面板(捲簾板):小心地將切割好的可彎曲木製面板(捲簾板)放置在家具表面上,根據您所需的圖案或排列進行對齊。用力按下以確保強大的黏合。
  7. 如有氣泡或皺紋,請除去:使用平滑的布將可彎曲的木製面板(捲簾板)整平,以去除任何氣泡或皺紋,確保平坦均勻的表面。
  8. 收尾工作:必要時修剪多餘的邊緣,並清理安裝過程中可能滲出的多餘黏合劑。
  9. 讓其乾燥:在使用或移動家具之前,請按照製造商的指示讓黏合劑乾燥。
  10. 享受:一旦黏合劑完全乾燥,您的家具將以新的柔軟木製面板板表面獲得一個新鮮且時尚的升級。


關鍵詞 wood wall paneling, Wall Panels, curved covers, interior decoration, flexible wood panel boards, curved wall, round pole, furniture surface covering, furniture surface covers, DIY,  flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards