


Flexible V-grooved and fluted wood panel boards with ECO resin reinforced bottom support fabric for interior and architectural decoration

Flexible V-grooved and fluted wood panel boards with the bottom layer support textile, use ECO resin reinforced to get more strength and smooth surface become more easy and even surface for adhesive purpose and stronger support the grooved or fluted board not teared or cracked from the grooved( or fluted) parts.

Specification sheet of Flexible V-grooved and fluted wood panel boards

柔性凹槽半圓形實木或 MDF 木棒牆板


尺寸:4英尺 x 8英尺(1200 mm x 2400 mm)







尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

結構: 頂層 木質飾面 中層 MDF 板 底層 ECO 樹脂增強無紡布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting. Flexible grooved wood panel board, fluted wood panel, interior decoration, interior decor, architectural decoration, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels,


具有V型溝槽和溝槽的柔軟木質面板板 底層支撐紡織品,使用ECO樹脂加強,以增加強度並使表面更光滑,便於粘合,更強力地支撐槽板或槽板不會從槽部撕裂或破裂。 With the use of ECO resin reinforced support textile on the bottom layer, there are additional advantages and versatile usages for the 可彎曲木製板材.


Advantages of Flexible V-grooved and fluted wood panel boards:

  1. Enhanced Strength and Stability: The ECO resin reinforced support textile of the flexible wood panel board provides additional strength and stability to the bottom layer, making the entire flexible wood panel board more robust and durable. This reinforcement helps prevent tearing or cracking, particularly in the grooved or fluted areas of the flexible wood panel boards.
  2. Improved Adhesive Surface: The smooth surface of the support textile, achieved through the ECO resin reinforcement of the flexible wood panel board, creates an ideal adhesive surface. This makes the flexible wood panel board easier to bond the different layers together during the manufacturing process, resulting in a more reliable and cohesive flexible wood panel board.
  3. 增強的柔韌性和彎曲能力:環保樹脂加強和支撐紡織品的結合有助於提高可彎曲木板的整體柔韌性。這使得在施工過程中更容易彎曲和成型,從而更容易將可彎曲木板適應於曲面或不規則表面。
  4. 抵抗環境因素:環保樹脂加強增加了底層的韌性,使可彎曲木板更能抵抗環境因素,如濕氣、溫度變化和衝擊。

Usages of Flexible V-grooved and fluted wood panel boards:

  1. 高端建築應用:可彎曲木板的增強強度和光滑的黏合表面使其適用於高端建築應用,如室內和室外牆面覆蓋、裝飾性天花板板和優雅的柱包。
  2. 創意十足的室內設計:可彎曲木板的增強柔韌性和彎曲能力為創意室內設計元素開啟了機會,包括曲線的重點牆壁、獨特的家具和藝術裝置。
  3. 商業室內:可彎曲木板的耐用性和抵抗環境因素的特性使其成為商業室內的實用選擇,例如零售店、餐廳和酒店。
  4. 展覽和貿易展示:柔軟的木質板材的多功能性和美學吸引力使它們成為引人注目的展覽攤位和貿易展示的理想選擇,獨特和創新的設計在這裡是至關重要的。
  5. 家具行業:可彎曲的木質板材的增強強度和光滑表面使它們適用於各種家具應用,包括定制櫥櫃、壁櫥內飾和裝飾性家具元素。
  6. 住宅翻新:可彎曲的木質板材可用於住宅翻新,創建視覺上令人驚艷的特色,例如重點牆壁、裝飾天花板和柱套。


關鍵詞 木質牆板,牆面板 Flexible grooved wood panel board, flexible wood panel board, interior pole wraps and column covering, fluted wood panel, wood wall paneling, interior decoration, interior decor, architectural decoration, furniture surface covers,