柔軟木製面板, 柱包, 牆/天花板/柱/支柱的覆蓋與裝飾




Specification sheet of Flexible Wood Panel Boards



尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat by V-grooved: 13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders.

結構: 頂層 木質飾面 中層 MDF 板 底層 ECO 樹脂增強無紡布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, Interior Partitions, curved or wavy partition walls, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, Flexible Wood Panel Board, flexible wood panel board, Wall Coverings, Ceiling Coverings, ceiling paneling board, Partitions, DIY, curved partition walls, wavy partition walls, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels,


Usages of Flexible Wood Panel Boards:

  • Wall and Ceiling Coverings: The flexible wood panel board with V-Grooved wood slats can be easily installed on curved or irregular surfaces, allowing for seamless and smooth coverage.
  • Furniture and Cabinetry surface covers: The flexible wood panel board with V-Grooved wood slats can be used for creating unique and customized furniture pieces with curved or unconventional designs.
  • 裝飾點綴:帶V形槽的可彎曲木板增加了視覺吸引力,使其適合用於住宅和商業空間的裝飾應用。
  • 內部隔間:帶V形槽的可彎曲木板可用於創建曲線或波浪形的隔斷牆,為空間增添動感和藝術感。

Advantages of Flexible Wood Panel Boards:

  • 靈活性:與剛性木板或木條不同,帶V形槽的可彎曲木板可以彎曲或彎曲以適應各種形狀和輪廓,提供更大的設計靈活性。
  • Easy Installation by DIY: The flexible nature of the flexible wood panel board with V-Grooved wood slats makes it easier to install by DIY, especially on curved surfaces, as it can be flexed and adjusted to fit the desired shape.
  • 無縫外觀:帶V形槽的木條圖案增強了板材的視覺吸引力,創造了一個無縫且連續的表面,沒有可見的接縫或間隙。
  • 耐用性和穩定性:儘管具有彈性,帶V形槽的可彎曲木板保持結構完整性和穩定性,確保持久性能。
  • 定制:帶V形槽的可彎曲木板可以根據特定的設計要求輕鬆切割、塑造和完成,實現定制和創意自由。

整體而言,該 帶V形槽的可彎曲木板提供了增強的設計可能性、易於安裝和美學吸引力,相比傳統的剛性木板和片狀物件,使其成為各種應用的首選。

關鍵詞 wood wall paneling, Wall Panels, wood slat, wood slats, flexible wood panel board, Wall Coverings, Ceiling Coverings, Partitions, DIY, curved partition walls, wavy partition walls