

Flexible wood slats or half round sticks panel for pole, wall and ceiling paneling board


靈活的 桿蓋 wood slats or half round sticks panel board not only for pole cover and column wrap,也適用於天花板鑲板和木板條重新複合天花板瓷磚

Specification sheet of wood slats and half round sticks wall and ceiling panel board

可彎曲凹槽半圓形實木或 纖維板 木棒牆壁和天花板面板

木材種類:實心紅橡木和 MDF 板

尺寸:4英尺 x 8英尺(1200 mm x 2400 mm)

高度:6 毫米和 9 毫米




Wood Veneer top flexible v-grooved wood slats wall and ceiling panel board


尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)



結構: 頂層 木皮飾面 中層 纖維板 底層 環保樹脂增強不織布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, old furniture re-new, wall paneling boards, kitchen paneling, shiplap wall paneling and backsplash, shiplap ceiling paneling, wood slats panel, re-composited wall tile, re-composited ceiling tile, re-composited flooring tile




These flexible pre-grooved wood slats or half round sticks pole cover panel boards are original designed for curved wall paneling and round pole cover.  Using this newly trendy round pole cover paneling all around the homes by DIY also widely used as ceiling paneling.



Paint the wood slats or half round sticks ceiling paneling the same color as the wall wood slats panel.

儘管大多數房間的油漆工作會讓你相信,但沒有規則說你到達天花板時必須停止油漆。當牆壁和​​天花板鑲板顏色相同時,你就會被這種甜美的顏色包圍,它讓空間變得更加舒適,就像一個溫暖的擁抱,讓你感覺被包圍,這在小房間裡尤其如此。這個項目並不像將木板條天花板鑲板塗成與木板條牆壁完全相同的色調那麼簡單。如果您希望整個空間看起來相同,訣竅是混合木板條天花板塗料,使其比牆板塗料輕 10% 左右。否則,你的天花板鑲板總是會顯得更暗,因為光線不會以同樣的方式照射到它。它不是垂直的鑲板平面,水平的天花板鑲板平面賦予顏色不同的強度。可以這麼說,它總是處於陰涼處,因為水平天花板鑲板平面不會獲得與垂直天花板鑲板表面相同數量的日光。

Paint your wood slats or half round sticks ceiling paneling a contrasting color or texture



在老房子裡,天花板瓷磚可以增強復古的外觀。它們通常由錫、雲母或銅製成,有多種顏色。 「這可能會破壞預算,但它很漂亮。只要確保您使用專門為天花板設計的瓷磚,因為它們很輕

Installing wooden slats on the ceiling, makes such a statement and it lends well to a ton of styles, depending on the wood you select. Beadboard, for instance, gives a French country or shabby chic look. Lighter wood might skew organic-modern, while a darker stain creates an industrial vibe. For wood slat ceiling, you may just easy cut the dimension of the tile size by pre-grooved wood slats wall and ceiling panel board, even can use pre-grooved wood slats panel board re-composite tile to get a user’s own unique tile design.


When applied correctly, molding, ceiling medallions, and grooved wood slats or half round sticks panel board re-composite made wall, ceiling tile and flooring tile can look like they’ve been part of a home since it was built. I love to have fun with the molding and and grooved wood slats or half round sticks panel board re-composite made wall, ceiling tile and flooring tile, it’s just such a fun way to add what seems like architectural significance when it’s really just a piece of wood attached to the wall. The installation process as long as you have some basic woodworking skills is very easy. Simple wood slats or half round sticks panel re-composited wall, ceiling tile and flooring tile and moldings with fewer layers will work better in a room with low ceilings, while you can go for something larger or more extravagant in a space with higher ceilings.



關鍵詞 shiplap ceiling paneling, Flexible pole wrap wood slats panel board, pole wrap, ceiling paneling, pole cover, column wrap, ceiling tile, wood slats panel, re-composited wall tile, re-composited ceiling tile, re-composited flooring tile