flexible wood panel and molding for pole decoration, interior column wraps, pole coverings, wood column wraps, wood wrap, interior wood paneling, timber panel, wood panel, panel wood, wood panel, pole/column/post cover and decoration

Basement pole or lally column covers and wraps by flexible Red Oak Tambour board


Flexible Red Oak wood panel with V-grooved and paper backing for basement poles and lally columns decoration by DIY to get Roman column decoration


Specification sheet of flexible Red Oak wood panel board

Red Oak wood veneer top flexible wood slats wall panel board

Wood kinds:   Red Oak (Maple, Cherry, and MDF board also available)

尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat by V-grooved:   13 mm width (43 mm, 67 mm and other widths available but need special orders)

結構: 頂層 木質飾面 中層 MDF 板 底層 ECO 樹脂增強無紡布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages: diy basement pole cover, Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, roman column decor, iy basement pole cover, Basement pole or lally column covers, Basement pole  covers and wraps,  Basement pole covers, Basement pole wraps, Basement lally column covers, Basement lally column wraps,.


How to cover the reinforced basement pole or column by wood slats or panel especially by DIY. For round pole covers and wraps must use flexible wood panel board or wood slats piece by piece laminated to cover or wraps the round pole or column. Could we do the basement pole or column wraps or covers fast and simple by DIY?  Yes, we found the V-grooved wood panel board supplied by Carol Young Corporation could do it. These V-grooved wood panel board are flexible and rollable become easy to cover and wrap on the round basement pole or column. Due these wood panel board are V-grooved then become flexible and with slats design. These flexible wood board also called wood tambour panel board are widly used for interior wall covering or pole wraps decoration and diy basement pole cover use. The wood kinds could be Red Oak, Maple, Cherry or others but Red Oak is the most popular kind.  Detail introduction as follows:



Post covers,wood panel, interior wood panel, building material, pole decoration, diy basement pole cover, wooden building material, Roman column decoration, basement post/pole cover, indoor decoration, wooden indoor decoration, wall covering


Size: 3 mm x 4 feet x 8 feet panels with 13 mm width V-grooved

該面板有 8 英尺長,適合大多數標準地下室支撐桿或拉力柱。 用一般膠水很容易DIY安裝。 是地下室支撐桿、拉力柱和各式物品裝飾的最佳天然木飾面材料。

Advantage of flexible wood slats wall panel board as follows,

1/ 膠水很容易塗上柱而有美觀表面。

2/ 高度和寬度可以被裁切以配合物品形狀。

3/ 可以染色或塗漆以匹配裝飾。

4/ 4' x 8' 面板可用作牆面覆蓋物或加以裁切以配合客戶需求。


只需用細齒鋸或斜接盒切割長度,用美工刀切割寬度。 然後用建築粘合劑將 V 型槽面板粘到桿上。 接下來,您可以用膠水或使用修整釘子安裝可選的實木頂座和底座組,以獲得漂亮的畫龍點睛。 密封、染色或油漆以匹配裝飾

我們還提供實木框座,以匹配直徑為 6"、7" 和 8" 的柱子,內孔為 3-1/2"、4" 和 4-1/2"。

(美國客戶請直接聯繫我們的代理--POLE-WRAP, INC.)


Key words: diy basement pole cover, Basement pole covers, pole wraps, basement pole cover, diy basement pole wrap, Basement pole or lally column covers, Basement pole  covers and wraps, Basement pole wraps, Basement lally column covers, Basement lally column wraps, basement support pole, lally columns and shaped decoration, basement poles and lally columns decoration, DIY, Roman Column decoration, Red Oak Tambour boards, V-grooved Flexible Red Oak panel boards, interior wall covering, pole wraps decoration, round pole covers and wraps