for interior decoration, wall/partition cover, pole/column cover, wood material

V-groove engineered wood flooring with back-bonded textile (4′ x 8′ large size rollable panel) and traditional wood flooring


V-groove engineered wood flooring with back-bonded textile (4′ x 8′ large size rollable panel) and traditional wood flooring (joint type piece by piece) for DIY user consideration

Compare V-groove engineered wood flooring with back-bonded textile (4′ x 8′ large size rollable panel) and traditional wood flooring (joint type piece by piece) for 自己動手做 user consideration:


1. V-groove Engineered Wood Flooring with Back-Bonded Textile (4′ x 8′ Large size flexible and Rollable Panel type):


Specification sheet of V-groove Engineered Wood Flooring

Wood veneer top flexible V-grooved wood slats flooring, wall and ceiling panel boards 

木材種類:橡木、楓木、櫻桃木、MDF 板

尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat width V-grooved:   13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

Structure:  Top Layer Wood veneer Middle Layer MDF board Bottom Layer ECO resin reinforced non-woven fabric backing




Advantages of V-groove Engineered Wood Flooring:

  • Large flexible and Rollable engineered wood flooring Panels: The V-groove engineered wood flooring panel with back-bonded textile comes in large 4′ x 8′ size flexible and rollable panels, making it easier and quicker to cover larger floor areas. This saves time and effort during installation compared to traditional wood flooring that requires assembling individual pieces.
  • Flexibility: The flexible and rollable nature of the large size V-grooved engineered wood flooring panel allows for greater flexibility during installation. It can be easily unrolled and adjusted to fit the floor space accurately, resulting in a more efficient DIY process.
  • 簡易膠黏劑應用:這種類型的工程木地板板材通常只需要簡單的膠黏劑應用來黏附到地下地板,使得DIY安裝過程簡單,並適用於具備基本技能的使用者。
  • Seamless Appearance: The large size engineered wood flooring panel design minimizes the number of seams on the floor surface, creating a more seamless and continuous look. This contributes to a visually appealing and uniform flooring design.

2. Traditional Wood Flooring (Joint Type Piece by Piece):

Advantages of Traditional Wood Flooring :

  • Authentic Appearance: Traditional wood flooring offers an authentic look of solid wood, showcasing the natural beauty and character of the wood species used. It appeals to those seeking a classic and timeless aesthetic.
  • 自訂:使用單個塊材,使用者可以更靈活地根據其偏好和創意創建獨特的圖案和設計,例如魚骨或麻花地板。
  • 維修和更換:如果某個特定區域受損,更換單個塊材更容易,使得維修更容易管理和具有成本效益。
  • 傳統工藝:對於一些DIY愛好者或屋主來說,鋪設單個木塊的過程帶來了一種工藝感和滿足感。

關鍵詞 DIY process. engineered wood flooring panel, large size flooring panel, V-groove engineered wood flooring panel, large size flexible and rollable flooring panel, wood flooring, DIY installation