
The best Tambour boards, fluted half round sticks pattern wood panel boards with textile support backing has other various usages – Cabinet Doors, Rolltop Desks, Appliance Garages, Entertainment Centers, Retail Displays, Jewelry Boxes, Room Dividers, Custom Projects


The best Tambour boards, fluted half-round wood sticks pattern flexible wood panel boards with textile support backing


These Half round wood Tambour boards are made of solid wood or MDF panel boards with fluted half-round wood sticks design for the flexible and rollable character and with half round wood sticks design will be the best selection for wall covering, pole wraps, furniture surface covering and and other various usages. 

Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards


柔性凹槽半圓形實木或 MDF 木棒牆板


尺寸:4英尺 x 8英尺(1200 mm x 2400 mm)




Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, Half Round Wood Tambour Board, Cabinet Doors, Rolltop Desks, Room Dividers, Jewelry Boxes


Flexible half round wood panel boards (Tambour boards) with the top layer made of selected wood or MDF board, and the back supported with textile, are designed for enhanced flexibility, rollability and durability always the first choose for these purposes.


Half Round Wood Tambour board, flexible and rollable wood panel boards, has various usages due to its unique half-round wood sticks design and flexibility with some common usages: Cabinet Doors, Rolltop Desks, Appliance Garages, Entertainment Centers, Retail Displays, Jewelry Boxes, Room Dividers, Custom Projects

  1. 櫥櫃門:柔軟半圓形木製面板(捲簾板)通常被用作廚房、辦公室或其他儲存空間的櫥櫃門。其柔軟的設計使其能夠輕鬆滑動和捲起,提供對櫥櫃內容物的輕存取。
  2. 捲簾桌:柔軟的半圓形木製面板(捲簾板)是捲簾桌的經典選擇,在那裡它們充當著桌子儲物格的方便且時尚的蓋子。它們可以平穩地捲起或捲下,隱藏或顯示工作空間。
  3. 家電倉庫:在廚房設計中,柔軟的半圓形木製面板板(卷簾板)經常用於家電車庫,隱藏小型家電,如烤麵包機、攪拌機或咖啡機。這使得廚房檯面整潔且無雜物。
  4. 娛樂中心:柔軟的半圓形木製面板(捲簾板)被用於娛樂中心,以覆蓋當不使用時的媒體設備。它們提供了一種流線型且不顯眼的方式,隱藏電子設備的同時保持簡便的存取。
  5. 零售展示:柔軟的半圓形木製面板(捲簾板)也很受歡迎,用於創造引人注目的零售展示。它們可以用一種視覺上吸引人的方式展示產品,同時為商店的室內增添一絲精致感。
  6. 珠寶盒:在珠寶盒或小飾品整理盒等小型家具中,柔軟的半圓形木製面板(捲簾板)增添了一份優雅和實用性,使內容物易於進行簡單的存取。
  7. 隔間:柔軟的半圓形木製面板(捲簾板)用於隔間,可以創建出動態且多用途的隔間。它們可以根據需要調整,打開或關閉空間。
  8. 定制項目:設計師和DIY愛好者經常在各種創意項目中使用柔軟的半圓形木製面板(捲簾板)。它們可以適應獨特的家具設計、重點件等,提供無窮的定制可能性。


關鍵詞 Half Round Wood Tambour Board, Cabinet Doors, Rolltop Desks, Room Dividers, Jewelry Boxes, Flexible half round wood panel boards, Tambour boards