Flexible wood panel boards in three layers, V-grooved or fluted slats design for wall paneling, pole covering, interior decoration and furniture surface covers


Flexible wood panel board for wall paneling, pole cover, interior decoration and furniture surface covers

Flexible wood panel boards in three layers, selected wood veneer, ECO MDF board and textile support, V-grooved or fluted on the upper two layers for the flexible character and with wood slats design.

Advantages and uses of the Flexible wood board for wall paneling, pole covers, interior decoration and furniture surface covers


Specification sheet of flexible wood panel board

柔性凹槽半圓形實木或 MDF 木棒牆板


尺寸:4英尺 x 8英尺(1200 mm x 2400 mm)







尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

結構: 頂層 木質飾面 中層 MDF 板 底層 ECO 樹脂增強無紡布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, wood veneer, MDF board, wood slats, interior decoration, furniture surface covers, Flexible wood panel boards, wall paneling, pole wraps, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels,


These flexible wood panel boards with V-grooved or fluted wood slats design for wall paneling, pole wraps, interior decoration and furniture surface covers have advantages as following:

  1. 增強的柔軟性:三層設計的柔軟木質板,搭配V形槽或凹槽的木條圖案,使柔軟木質板能夠輕鬆彎曲並適應彎曲的表面,適合創造獨特且藝術性的安裝。
  2. 美學吸引力:精選木質薄板製成的頂層為柔軟木質板添加了木材的自然之美和豪華外觀,使其適用於高檔室內應用。
  3. 耐用結構:木質薄片、中密度密集板和紡織裡底布組合成柔軟木質板,提供堅固耐用的結構,確保長時間的性能。
  4. 可定制設計:木條設計和V形槽/凹槽圖案提供了各種設計可能性,可根據不同的室內風格和喜好進行定制。
  5. Lightweight: The three-layer construction, combined with MDF board as the middle layer, provides a lightweight characteristic, making the flexible wood panel boards easier to handle and install.
  6. Eco-Friendly: Many flexible wood panel boards are manufactured using eco-friendly materials, such as sustainable wood veneer and low-emission MDF board, contributing to environmentally conscious design.
  7. Moisture Resistance: The use of MDF board and textile backing enhances the flexible wood panel boards’ resistance to moisture, reducing the risk of warping or damage in humid environments.
  8. Impact Resistance: The combination of wood veneer and MDF board adds to the flexible wood panel boards’ impact resistance, ensuring they can withstand normal wear and tear.

Usages of flexible wood panel boards:

  1. 室內牆面覆蓋:柔軟的木質板可用於覆蓋室內牆面,為任何空間提供優雅和裝飾性的觸感。
  2. Ceiling Decoration: The flexible wood panel boards can also be applied to ceilings, adding visual interest and depth to the room’s design.freely cut and combine in different patterns
  3. 家具裝飾:柔軟木質板適用於家具裝飾,如櫥櫃、書櫃、衣櫃等,提升其美感和耐久性。
  4. 藝術裝置:柔軟木質板的柔軟性和美學吸引力使其成為創建藝術裝置、曲線特色牆壁和裝飾元素的理想之選。
  5. 家具貼板: 柔性木製板可以用於家具部件,如門板、抽屜前板和櫥櫃側板,為家具設計增添優雅風格。
  6. 曲線家具設計:柔軟木質板的柔軟性允許創建曲線形狀的家具,為室內設計增添獨特且現代感。
  7. 展覽展示:這些柔軟木質板非常適合創建視覺吸引力和柔軟的展覽展示和攤位,為展示產品或藝術品提供獨特的背景。
  8. 零售店陳列架: 彈性板可用於製作吸引人的零售店陳列架,如展示擱板、牆面覆飾和產品陳列櫥櫃。
  9. 特色牆:這些柔軟木質板適用於商業空間、酒店和餐廳的特色牆,打造一個焦點,提升整體氛圍。
  10. 建築元素:柔軟木質板可用於建築元素,例如裝飾性柱、牆壁凹處和天花板點綴,為室內空間增添深度和特色。


By taking advantage of the flexibility, aesthetic appeal, and customizable design of these flexible wood panel boards, designers and architects can explore a wide range of creative applications to elevate interior and architectural projects, more advantages and usages of the flexible wood panel boards with three layers, top wood veneer, middle MDF board, and back textile support, with V-grooved or fluted wood slats design are found as following:

Additional Advantages of flexible wood panel boards:

  1. Lightweight: The three-layer construction, combined with MDF board as the middle layer, of the flexible wood panel boards provides a lightweight characteristic, making the flexible wood panel boards easier to handle and install.
  2. Eco-Friendly: Many flexible wood panel boards are manufactured using eco-friendly materials, such as sustainable wood veneer and low-emission MDF board, contributing to environmentally conscious design.
  3. Moisture Resistance: The use of MDF board and textile backing of the flexible wood panel boards enhances the flexible wood panel boards’ resistance to moisture, reducing the risk of warping or damage in humid environments.
  4. Impact Resistance: The combination of wood veneer and MDF board of the flexible wood panel boards adds to the flexible wood panel boards’ impact resistance, ensuring they can withstand normal wear and tear.

Additional usages of flexible wood panel boards:

  1. Furniture Paneling: The flexible wood panel boards can be used to panel furniture pieces like doors, drawer fronts, and cabinet sides, adding a touch of elegance to furniture design.freely cut and combine the panel board
  2. 曲線家具設計:柔軟木質板的柔軟性允許創建曲線形狀的家具,為室內設計增添獨特且現代感。
  3. 展覽展示:這些柔軟木質板非常適合創建視覺吸引力和柔軟的展覽展示和攤位,為展示產品或藝術品提供獨特的背景。
  4. 零售店陳列架: 彈性板可用於製作吸引人的零售店陳列架,如展示擱板、牆面覆飾和產品陳列櫥櫃。
  5. 特色牆:這些柔軟木質板適用於商業空間、酒店和餐廳的特色牆,打造一個焦點,提升整體氛圍。
  6. 建築元素:柔軟木質板可用於建築元素,例如裝飾性柱、牆壁凹處和天花板點綴,為室內空間增添深度和特色。

關鍵詞 wood wall paneling, Wall Panels, wood veneer, MDF board, wood slats, interior decoration, furniture surface covers, Flexible wood panel boards, wall paneling, pole wraps