柔軟木製面板, 柱包, 牆/天花板/柱/支柱的覆蓋與裝飾



The advantages of flexible V-grooved wood panel boards for art walls and ceilings in DIY projects include

Specification sheet of flexible V-grooved wood panel boards

柔性凹槽半圓形實木或 MDF 木棒牆板


尺寸:4英尺 x 8英尺(1200 mm x 2400 mm)







尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders.

結構: 頂層 木質飾面 中層 MDF 板 底層 ECO 樹脂增強無紡布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, wood slats panel, wood slats, flexible wood panel boards, art and curved walls, ceilings paneling board, DIY projects, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels, grooved flexible wood slats panel boards


Advantages of flexible V-grooved wood panel boards for art walls and ceilings in DIY projects

  1. Easy DIY Installation: Flexible V-grooved wood panel boards are designed for easy installation, making them suitable for DIY projects. They can be easily cut to size and attached to the desired surface using appropriate adhesives or fasteners.
  2. Versatile Design Options: V-grooved flexible wood slats panel boards offer versatile design options for art or curved walls and ceilings. The V-grooves wood slats create visual interest and texture, adding depth and dimension to the space. The V-grooved flexible wood slats panel boards can be arranged in various patterns and configurations to achieve the desired artistic effect.
  3. 可定制:可彎曲V槽木條板可以根據特定尺寸和設計要求進行定制。可彎曲V槽木條板可以輕鬆地塗漆或染色,以匹配所需的配色方案或裝飾風格。此外,可彎曲V槽木條板可以輕鬆地修剪或成形,以適應空間中的建築特徵或不規則性。
  4. 耐用且持久:可彎曲V槽木條板通常由高質量材料製成,確保其耐用性和長壽命。這些可彎曲V槽木條板具有抗變形和抗開裂的特性,非常適合長期使用。
  5. 聲學效益:可彎曲V槽木條板可以通過吸收聲音和減少空間中的回聲來提供一些聲學效益。這有助於創造一個更愉快和舒適的環境,特別是在聲音控制重要的房間。
  6. 自然美感:木材的自然之美為藝術牆面和天花板增添了溫暖和特性。可彎曲V槽木條板的木紋和質感創造出視覺上吸引人的背景,提升了空間的整體美感。


關鍵詞 木質牆板,牆面板 wood slats panel, wood slats, flexible wood panel boards, art walls, ceilings, DIY, grooved flexible wood slats panel boards