for interior decoration, wall/partition cover, pole/column cover, wood material

Carol Young和Kerfkore的柔性木質板特別適用於內部裝飾,尤其是彎曲物體。


Carol Young Corporation(台灣)的V溝木質柔性板材和Kerfkore(美國)的柔性建築板材

Carol Young wooden flexible panel Boards


Carol Young的木質柔性板材 柔性板材 這些木質板材由三個結構元素組成(上部為木質突板、中部為MDF板、底部為強化非織布或牛皮紙)。這些木質板材在上部木質突板和中部MDF板上切割了V形溝,並由底部堅固的布料或紙強化支撐。


Specification sheet of Carol Young wooden flexible panel Boards



尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders.

結構: 頂層 木質飾面 中層 MDF 板 底層 ECO 樹脂增強無紡布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, V- grooved Wooden Flexible Panel Boards, flexible wood panels, interior curved wall decoration, wood wall paneling, ceiling, ceiling paneling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, for Interior ceiling, wall, furniture and pole decoration, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels,


Structure: top-wooden veneer, middle-MDF board, down- resin reinforced strong kraft paper or ECO resin reinforced fabric, Surface wood layer could be any kinds of wood veneer which already been laminated.

Advantages of Carol Young wooden flexible panel Boards:

1. 高度柔軟且穩定:Carol Young的V溝木質板材具有在木層上刻V溝,使木質板變成一個由強力後支撐層支撐的木條狀的平板,從而具有高度柔軟和穩定性。裝飾表面平整,可以形成所需的形狀。
2. Easy Attachment of Decorative Surfaces: With Carol Young flexible wood panel board, the decorative surfacing  flat and already laminated on the wood panel and V-grooved then formed into the desired shape. This allows for easy selection of the chosen wood onto the flexible panel to match the desired wood kinds.
3. Versatile Curving Capabilities: Carol Young’s flexible wood panels can achieve virtually any curve you can imagine. They offer tight bending, improved consistency, and dimensional stability compared to traditional products. The panels can be curved and then laminated or laminated and then curved, depending on your specific requirements.
4. 4. 多種木材種類:Carol Young的柔性木質板材提供各種木材種類的柔性木質板材,包括紅橡木、櫻桃木、楓木、中密度纖維板(MDF)以及客製化的木材種類。 
5. 5. 底部支撐層的選擇:柔性建築木質板材的底部支撐層由使用者自行選擇。這使得使用者可以選擇強化的ECO樹脂補強的非織布背板或經濟實惠的平面樹脂補強牛皮紙。
柔軟木製面板, 柱包, 牆/天花板/柱/支柱的覆蓋與裝飾


Kerfkore flexible panel

結構:上層:刨花板、胶合板、中密度纖維板、無添加尿素膠結刨花板 厚度:從3/8英寸到3/4英寸


  1. 高度柔軟且穩定:Kerfkore的柔性板材採用獨特的基層製程結合其LTX黑色柔性補強材料製造而成。這創造出高度柔軟且極其穩定的基層,可以附著各種材料,如高壓層壓板、木質突板、金屬和其他半硬質材料。
  2. 易於安裝裝飾表面:使用Kerfkore,裝飾表面材料可以在平整狀態下應用,然後形成所需的形狀。這使得所選的表面材料可以輕鬆附著在彈性板上。
  3. 多功能彎曲能力:Kerfkore的柔性建築面板能夠實現幾乎任何您可以想像的曲線。與傳統產品相比,它們提供更緊密的彎曲、更好的一致性和尺寸穩定性。根據您的具體要求,可以先將板材彎曲再進行層壓,或先進行層壓再彎曲。
  4. Variety of Materials, Thicknesses, and Sheet Sizes: Kerfkore offers their flexible architectural panels in a variety of materials, including particleboard, plywood, MDF, and NAUF particleboard. The thicknesses range from 3/8″ to 3/4″. They also provide flexibility in sheet sizes, allowing for customization based on project needs.
  5. 表面層的選擇:柔性建築面板的表面層由用戶自行選擇半硬質材料。這使得用戶可以選擇並將其喜好的材料,如高壓層壓板、木質突板、金屬、皮革和其他半硬質材料,層壓到柔性面板上。
關鍵詞 木質牆板,牆面板 V- grooved Wooden Flexible Panel Boards, flexible wood panels, interior curved wall decoration, Interior ceiling, wall, furniture and pole decoration, wood slats