柔軟木製面板, 柱包, 牆/天花板/柱/支柱的覆蓋與裝飾

Using flexible V-grooved wood panels to cover furniture surfaces and renew interior decoration


Using flexible V-grooved slats and half round fluted sticks wood panels to cover furniture surfaces and renew, and interior decoration is relatively easy

Specification sheet of flexible V-grooved slats and half round fluted sticks wood panels

柔性凹槽半圓形實木或 MDF 木棒牆板


尺寸:4英尺 x 8英尺(1200 mm x 2400 mm)







尺寸:4呎 × 8呎(1200毫米 × 2400毫米)


Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

結構: 頂層 木質飾面 中層 MDF 板 底層 ECO 樹脂增強無紡布背襯或牛皮紙

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, flexible grooved wood panels, furniture surfaces re-new, art walls, curved walls covering, interior decoration, interior decor, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels


Flexible V-grooved slats and half round fluted sticks wood panels to cover furniture surfaces and renew, and interior decoration


  1. 準備:清潔家具表面,確保沒有灰塵和雜物。如有需要,輕輕打磨表面以創造更好的黏合表面。
  2. 測量和切割:測量家具表面的尺寸,並根據尺寸切割V型槽木板條。邊緣留一些多餘的板,以便在安裝過程中進行調整。
  3. 應用:在家具表面塗上適當的膠粘劑並均勻地塗抹。從一邊開始,將柔性的木板條面板放置在塗有膠粘劑的表面上。抹平任何皺褶或氣泡,以確保外觀整潔。
  4. 固定:使用訂針或其他適合的固定物將木板的邊緣固定在家具表面上。如有需要,修剪多餘的板材。
  5. 後處理:根據製造商的說明,讓膠水乾燥。乾燥後,你可以通過打磨、塗漆或在木板上進行保護性處理來進一步增強外觀。
  6. furniture covered by designed V-grooved wood panel board, interior wood paneling, timber panel, wall panel, wood panel, panel wood, wood panel wall for wall and furniture decoration, wood panel on furniture, Flexible Wood Board
  7. 自由切割和結合可彎曲木板條面板:在室內裝飾中使用紡織布背襯的V型槽木板條面板用於藝術牆和曲面牆具有幾個好處:
    1. Flexibility: The textile backing enhances the flexibility of the wood slats panel board, allowing it to be easily bent and molded to fit curved surfaces. This flexibility enables seamless installation on curved walls, creating a smooth and visually appealing finish.
    2. Durability: The textile backing adds strength and durability to the wood slats panel board, making it resistant to cracking or warping. This ensures that the panel board maintains its integrity even when applied to challenging or irregular surfaces.
    3. 美學吸引力:木板條面板的V型槽木板設計為室內空間增添了裝飾元素。V型木板條槽創造出視覺上有趣的質感和圖案,為牆面增添了深度和立體感。這增強了藝術牆或曲面牆的整體美學吸引力。
    4. 多功能性:紡織布背襯的V型槽木板可以應用於各種室內設計應用。它們可以應用於藝術牆、曲面牆,或任何需要獨特且時尚外觀的表面。它們在設計選擇方面具有靈活性,並且可以定制以適應不同的空間和主題。
    5. 簡易安裝:底布支撐使安裝過程更加簡單。木材板可以使用標準的木工工具和黏合劑輕鬆切割、修整和安裝。這使得它適合DIY項目,並能夠無憂地進行安裝。

    Overall, using textile-backed V-grooved wood slats panel boards for furniture skins, art walls and curved walls provides a versatile, durable, and visually appealing solution for interior decoration.

關鍵詞 wood wall paneling, Wall Panels, flexible grooved wood panels, furniture surfaces re-new, art walls, curved walls covering, interior decoration, interior decor, furniture re-surfaceing, DIY