


Flexible wood panel board with fluted half round wood sticks and V-grooved wood slats designs for home divider and office partition use


Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards



木の種類: レッドオーク無垢材とMDFボード

サイズ:4フィート x 8フィート(1200 mm x 2400 mm)

高さ: 6 mm および 9 mm

半円棒:18mm 幅



用途: 屋内ポールラップおよび柱カバー、木製壁パネル、天井、家具の表面カバー、床材、腰板、屋内ポールラップおよび柱カバー、木製壁パネル、古い家具の新調、壁パネルボード、キッチンパネル、シップラップ壁パネルそしてバックスプラッシュ


木製ベニヤトップの柔軟な V 溝付き木製スラット壁および天井パネル ボード 

木の種類: オーク、メープル、チェリー、MDF ボード

サイズ:4フィート × 8フィート(1200mm × 2400mm)


Flat slat width V-grooved:   13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

構造: 上層木材ベニヤ、中間層 MDF ボード、下層 ECO 樹脂強化不織布裏地またはクラフト紙

Usages:  wood slats, wood sticks, flexible wood panel board, partition, Flexible wood panel board with wood sticks designs, half round wood sticks, home divider, office partition, DIY process. flexible wood panel board for partition, DIY installation, fluted half round flexible wood sticks panel boards, V-grooved slats flexible wood panel boards, Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, old furniture re-new, flooring, wainscoting, pole wrap, column covering, wall paneling boards, kitchen paneling, shiplap wall paneling and backsplash




Showcase the slats or sticks wood image of the flexible wood panel board for the partition by simple DIY process. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Highlighting the Wood Slats or sticks Design of the V-grooves or half round flexible wood panel boards:
  • Lighting: Use strategic lighting to highlight the wood sticks and slats’ patterns of flexible wood panel board with V-grooves or half round sticks for the partition or divider by simple DIY, and create interesting shadows on the partition and/or divider. Consider using spotlights or LED strips along the edges or behind the partition or divider.
  • コントラスト:柔軟な木製パネルボードのV溝または半円フルートに対しては、木製の貼り木または木製のスティックに対してより目立つように、対照的な色を選択します。これにより、スラットまたはスティックのデザインが強調され、全体の外観に奥行きが加わります。
  • 壁の色:周囲の壁を、木の貼り木または半円形の木材に合わせて、スラットまたはスティックのデザインを強調する中立的な色で塗装します。これにより、部屋の焦点としてパーティションやディバイダーに注意が引かれます。
  1. Creating a Curved Partition and/or divider with the V-grooved wood slats or fluted half round sticks flexible wood panel boards:
  • Play with Curvature: If you’re going for a curved partition and/or divider, consider experimenting with various curvature designs on the V-grooves or half round flexible wood panel boards. You can create gentle waves or more dramatic curves, depending on the overall aesthetic of the space.
  • Open Concept: If it’s an open-concept space, a curved partition of divider can define areas without completely closing them off, adding a touch of elegance and fluidity to the environment.
  1. Adding Artistic Elements:
  • Wood Stain or Paint: Apply wood stain or paint to the slats or half round sticks of the V-grooves or half round flexible wood panel boards in different shades or colors to create an artistic effect. You can create an ombre effect, blend different tones, or create a unique pattern to express your artistic vision.
  • Carvings: Consider adding carved designs or patterns to some of the slats or sticks of the V-grooves or half round sticks flexible wood panel boards to create an artistic and intricate look. This will add a personalized touch and elevate the visual appeal of the partition.
  1. 機能的な要素の組み込み:
  • 棚またはディスプレイノックス:スラットやスティック内に棚やディスプレイノックスなどの機能的要素を統合します。これにより、パーティションの実用性が向上するだけでなく、装飾品や本を展示するスタイリッシュな方法も提供されます。

Remember to use appropriate safety measures and tools when handling the wood and during the DIY installation process. These additional recommendations will help you create a visually stunning and functional partition with the V-grooves or half round flexible wood panel boards that showcases the slats or sticks wood image of the flexible wood panel board effectively.

キーワード wood slats, wood sticks, flexible wood panel board, partition, Flexible wood panel board with wood sticks designs, half round wood sticks, home divider, office partition, DIY process. flexible wood panel board for partition, DIY installation, fluted half round flexible wood sticks panel boards, V-grooved slats flexible wood panel boards