for interior decoration, wall/partition cover, pole/column cover, wood material



Flexible wood panel boards with three layers, top wood veneer, middle MDF board, and ECO resin reinforced back textile support, with V-grooved wood slats design for wall paneling, interior decoration and pole wraps


Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards



サイズ:4フィート × 8フィート(1200mm × 2400mm)


Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

構造: 上層木材ベニヤ、中間層 MDF ボード、下層 ECO 樹脂強化不織布裏地またはクラフト紙

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, wood slats, wood veneer, MDF board, wall paneling, interior decoration, pole wraps, wall covers, pole covers, flexible wood panel boards, ECO resin reinforced textile, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels,




Advantages of the flexible wood panel boards:

  1. Enhanced Strength and Stability: The ECO resin reinforced support textile of the flexible wood panel board provides additional strength and stability to the bottom layer, making the entire panel more robust and durable. This reinforcement helps prevent tearing or cracking, particularly in the grooved or fluted areas.
  2. Improved Adhesive Surface: The smooth surface of the support textile, achieved through the ECO resin reinforcement, creates an ideal adhesive surface. This makes it easier to bond the different layers together during the manufacturing process, resulting in a more reliable and cohesive flexible wood panel board.
  3. Enhanced Flexibility and Bending Capability: The combination of ECO resin reinforcement and support textile contributes to the overall flexibility of the flexible wood panel board. This allows for better bending and shaping during construction, making it easier to fit the flexible wood panel board to curved or irregular surfaces.
  4. Resistance to Environmental Factors: The ECO resin reinforcement adds resilience to the bottom layer of the flexible wood panel board, making the flexible wood panel board more resistant to environmental factors such as moisture, temperature changes, and impacts.

Usages of the flexible wood panel boards:

  1. 高級建築用途:柔軟な木材パネルボードの強化された強度と滑らかな接着面は、内部および外部の壁カバー、装飾天井パネル、優雅な柱包みなどの高級建築用途に適しています。
  2. 創造的なインテリアデザイン:柔軟な木材パネルボードの強化された柔軟性と曲げ能力により、曲線のアクセントウォール、ユニークな家具、芸術的なインストールなど、創造的なインテリアデザイン要素の可能性が広がります。
  3. Commercial Interiors: The durability and resistance to environmental factors make the flexible wood panel boards a practical choice for commercial interiors, such as retail stores, restaurants, and hospitality establishments.
  4. 展示会と貿易ショーのディスプレイ:柔軟な木製パネルボードの多様性と美的魅力は、目を引く展示ブースや貿易ショーのディスプレイに最適です。ここでは、ユニークで革新的なデザインが不可欠です。
  5. 家具産業:柔軟な木製パネルボードの強度と滑らかな表面の向上により、カスタムキャビネット、クローゼット内装、装飾家具要素を含むさまざまな家具の用途に適しています。
  6. 住宅改修:柔軟な木製パネルボードは、アクセントウォール、装飾天井、および柱ラップなどの視覚的に魅力的な特徴を作成するために住宅改修に使用することができます。

キーワード wood wall paneling, Wall Panels, wood slats, wood veneer, MDF board, wall paneling, wood wall paneling, interior decoration, pole wraps, wall covers, pole covers, flexible wood panel boards, ECO resin reinforced textile, Interior pole wraps and column covering