for wall cover, ciling, interior decoration, tambour door

Wall covering – Wall Covering Ideas to Add Some Personality to Your Space


Flexible wood panel board with fluted half round wood sticks or V-grooved wood slats designs – wood wall paneling board for wall covering use.

Fiche technique du panneau de bois flexible


Flexible Half-Round Fluted Wood sticks wall Panel Board

Types de bois : Chêne Rouge Massif, Panneau MDF

Taille : 4 pieds x 8 pieds (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Hauteur : 6 mm

Bâton demi-rond : Largeur de 18 mm

Structure:  Top Layer, Solid Wood or MDF board fluted half-round sticks, Bottom Layer ECO resin reinforced non-woven fabric backing

Support : Support en tissu non tissé renforcé à la résine ECO

Origine : Fabriqué à Taïwan

Panneau mural à lattes de bois flexibles avec dessus en placage de bois

Types de bois : Chêne, Érable, Cerisier et panneau MDF

Taille : 4 pieds x 8 pieds (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Épaisseur : 3 mm

Lamelle plate avec rainure en V : 13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm et autres largeurs pour commandes spéciales

Structure : Couche supérieure Placage de bois Couche intermédiaire Panneau MDF Couche inférieure Support en tissu non tissé renforcé de résine ECO ou papier kraft

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, wall coverings, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, home decor, Wainscoting, fluted half round wood sticks, V-grooved wood slats, wood wall paneling, wall covering, Flexible wood panel board, wood slats wall paneling, Wall covering, Wall Panels, wood slats flexible MDF panel board, Accent Wall, wood slats, home decor

Origine : Fabriqué à Taïwan

Wall covering

Wall covering has come a long way since the days of basic paint and wallpaper. Today, there are a variety of materials and designs available to create a unique and stylish look for your walls. In this page, we’ll explore some of the most popular types of wall coverings and the benefits they offer.

Panneaux Muraux Texturés Textured wall panels are a more modern option for wall covering. They come in a variety of materials, such as wood, brick, and stone, and can add depth and dimension to your walls. Textured wall panels are also durable and easy to clean, making them a great choice for high-traffic areas.

Benefits of wall covering by flexible wood slats wall panel boards

Ajoute du style et de la personnalité : Wall covering can add style and personality to any room in your home. Whether you choose a bold wallpaper or a subtle textured wood wall panel, wall covering can create a unique and personalized look for your space.

Cache les imperfections Wall covering can also be used to conceal imperfections in your walls, such as cracks, dents, or uneven surfaces. Textured wall panels, in particular, can create a smooth and even surface for your walls.

Fournit de l'Isolation : Some types of wall covering, such as textured wall panels and fabric, can provide insulation for your walls. This can help to reduce noise levels and regulate temperature in your home.

Facile à entretenir : Wall covering is easy to maintain and clean. wood, wallpaper and paint can be wiped down with a damp cloth, while textured wall panels and tile can be cleaned with a mild detergent and water.

Durable et longue durée. Wall covering is a durable and long-lasting option for your walls. Wallpaper can last for years without fading or peeling, while textured wood wall panels and tile can withstand wear and tear from everyday use.

Choisir le Revêtement Mural Adapté à Votre Maison

Lors du choix d'un revêtement mural pour votre maison, plusieurs facteurs doivent être pris en compte, tels que : (Lors du choix d'un revêtement mural pour votre maison, plusieurs facteurs doivent être pris en compte, tels que :

Style : Tenez compte du style de votre maison et de l'aspect que vous souhaitez obtenir. Préférez-vous un look classique ou moderne ? Des couleurs audacieuses ou discrètes ? Des surfaces texturées ou lisses ? (Style : Tenez compte du style de votre maison et de l'aspect que vous souhaitez obtenir. Préférez-vous un look classique ou moderne ? Des couleurs audacieuses ou discrètes ? Des surfaces texturées ou lisses ?

Durabilité : Considérez la durabilité du revêtement mural et comment il résistera avec le temps. Résistera-t-il à l'usure quotidienne ? Sera-t-il exposé à l'humidité ? (Durabilité : Considérez la durabilité du revêtement mural et comment il résistera avec le temps. Résistera-t-il à l'usure quotidienne ? Sera-t-il exposé à l'humidité ?

Entretien : Considérez les besoins d'entretien du revêtement mural. Sera-t-il facile à nettoyer et à entretenir ?

Budget: Consider your budget and how much you’re willing to spend on wall covering. Some options, like wood veneer top MDF board, wallpaper and paint, are more affordable.

When it comes to the blank canvas that is your new or ever-evolving living space, the first order of design business almost always includes a handful of paint chips and a roller. And while this may be the easiest way to dress up plain, white walls, a coat of paint is far from the only option. In fact, there are plenty of wall coverings that transform your walls without even having to step foot in the paint aisle. And luckily for you, we’re listing them all out below.

From wooden elements to fabric additions, these design ideas are about to change the way you look at your blank walls. Ahead are 15 trendy wall coverings to add tons of personality to any room no matter what look you’re going for. If walls could talk, these would have plenty to say.

DIY a Wall Hanging for Wall Decoration

One of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to dress up your walls is to hang up your favorite tapestry. Tapestries come in all design styles, color schemes, and for the most part, large sizes to cover tons of wall space on the cheap. And while artisanal tapestries are certainly an option, you can even get creative with printed fabrics, blankets, and handmade pieces.

Install wainscoting by wood slats flexible wooden panel board

Le lambris est une combinaison de planches ou de panneaux décoratifs et de moulures qui s'étendent des plinthes jusqu'à une partie du mur. À l'origine conçu pour protéger les murs de la saleté et des dommages, cet habillage mural classique sert désormais d'élément de design intemporel.

Wainscoting adds tons of visual interest to any wall that feels remotely blah. Plus, it’s a durable, inexpensive alternative to tile, can be painted any color, and can be installed at any height. While you often see it in traditional or rustic settings, it can be sleek and cool with the right finish.

The best selection is our wood slats flexible wooden panel board and paintable wood slats flexible MDF panel board, it could extend from the base flooring up to the wall and even connect to the ceiling. Never underestimate the power a floor-to-ceiling print can possess in any room. No matter what look you’re going for, incorporating wood slats MDF panel board into your home decor will instantly elevate the look.

Similar to wallpaper, murals can be found in a variety of styles to complement any décor style, color scheme.

Enhance Your Space With Wooden Slats design

If you like the warmth, nature and texture that wood can bring to a space but you’re looking for something that feels more modern than paneling, we have just what you need. Wooden slats instantly upgrade any space, making it look contemporary and feel super expensive. You may choose the V-grooved wood slats design flexible wood veneer top MDF wood wall paneling to get this result. The best part is it’s DIY-friendly and can be installed in any room with limited supplies and a few hours out of your weekend.

Bring Warmth and Nature With Wooden Panels

A wood grain of our wood slats wood veneer flexible wooden panel on an accent wall adds so much warmth, nature and texture to any room. While you can achieve this look with V-grooved wood slats flexible MDF panel board, installing wall panel of wood slats MDF board will give you a much more luxe feel. You can stain it in any shade to match your room or create any mood from light and airy to dark and moody.

Try a Trendy Drapery Wall

Long, billowing wood tambour window have always been a functional and beautiful addition to any window, but lately, they’re being used in a new, slightly less-functional, but equally decorative way. The wood curtain wall—which, as the name suggests, creates or covers an existing wall with a single row of hanging wood tambour curtains—is taking over social feeds from Instagram to Pinterest. Our flexible V-grooved wood slats wooden panel boards” flexible and rollable character just match this purpose.

C'est la solution parfaite pour les locataires qui veulent cacher des murs peu esthétiques ou les résidents qui veulent simplement ajouter une touche de glamour à n'importe quel espace. Et la cerise sur le gâteau, vous pouvez essayer la tendance avec peu ou pas de dommages à vos murs.

Mots clés Accent Wall, wood slats, home decor, Wainscoting, fluted half round wood sticks, V-grooved wood slats, wood wall paneling, wall covering, Flexible wood panel board, wood slats wall paneling, Wall covering, Wall Panels, wood slats flexible MDF panel board, tambour window