for interior decoration, wall/partition cover, pole/column cover, wood material

Creating a Tambour window using V-grooved flexible and rollable wood Tambour panel boards


Creating a Tambour window using grooved flexible and rollable wood panel boards (Tambour boards) involves several steps


Specification sheet of flexible and rollable wood panel boards (Tambour boards)


Panneau mural cannelé flexible demi-rond en bois massif ou MDF

Types de bois : Chêne Rouge Massif, Panneau MDF

Taille : 4 pieds x 8 pieds (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Hauteur : 6 mm

Bâton demi-rond : Largeur de 18 mm

Support : Support en tissu non tissé renforcé à la résine ECO

Origine : Fabriqué à Taïwan

Panneau mural avec des lattes de bois flexibles et un dessus en placage de bois

Types de bois : Chêne, Érable, Cerisier et panneau MDF

Taille : 4 pieds x 8 pieds (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Épaisseur : 3 mm

Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

Structure : Couche supérieure Placage de bois Couche intermédiaire Panneau MDF Couche inférieure Support en tissu non tissé renforcé de résine ECO ou papier kraft

Usages:  Tambour window, Tambour door, flexible and rollable wood Tambour boards, Tambour boards, V-grooved flexible and rollable wood panel boards, Flexible wood panel boards, DIY, Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting

Origine : Fabriqué à Taïwan

Guide on how to create a Tambour window by grooved flexible and rollable wood panel board (Tambour board):

Matériaux et Outils :

  1. V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards):The best Tambour boards, V-grooved Flexible wood panel boards in three layers, top in selected wood veneer, middle MDF board and back with textile support then V-grooved or fluted on the upper two layers for the flexible and rollable character and with slats design will be the best selection for this Tambour window material. V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) in three layers, with the top layer made of selected wood veneer, the middle layer made of MDF board, and the back supported with textile, are designed for enhanced flexibility, rollability and durability always the first choose for Tambour window making.
  2. Rails de montage pour les panneaux de Tambour
  3. Kit de quincaillerie pour porte à tambour (comprenant des rails, un tissu de tambour, etc.)
  4. Mètre ruban
  5. Scie
  6. Tournevis
  7. Crayon
  8. Colle à bois
  9. Papier de verre
  10. Finition (peinture ou teinture)

Steps of creating a Tambour window by grooved flexible and rollable wood panel board (Tambour board):

  1. Measure and Cut the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards)
    • Mesurez les dimensions de votre cadre de fenêtre où vous souhaitez installer la fenêtre à tambour.
    • Coupez les panneaux de bois flexibles à rainures en V (panneaux de Tambour) pour qu'ils s'adaptent aux dimensions du cadre de la fenêtre.
  2. Prepare the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards)
    • Sand the edges and surfaces of the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) to ensure smoothness.
    • Apply finish (paint or stain) to the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) if desired. Allow them to dry.
  3. Installez les rails de montage.
    • Install the mounting tracks on the sides of the window frame. These tracks will guide the movement of the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards).
  4. Attachez le tissu de tambour.
    • Some Tambour door hardware kits come with tambour cloth. Attach the tambour cloth to the back of the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards), ensuring it is properly aligned.
  5. Insérer les panneaux de Tambour.
    • Carefully insert the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) into the mounting tracks, starting from the bottom and sliding them into place
  6. Tester et ajuster
    • Slide the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) up and down to test their movement. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure smooth operation.
  7. Secure the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards)
    • Une fois satisfait du mouvement, fixez les planches de tambour en place à l'aide de colle à bois ou d'autres dispositifs de fixation appropriés.
  8. Finitions
    • Make sure the Tambour window made of the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) operates smoothly. Apply any final finish touches, such as adding handles or pulls for easy operation.

En suivant ces étapes, vous pouvez créer une fenêtre à tambour en utilisant des panneaux de Tambour en bois flexibles et enroulables avec des rainures en V. N'oubliez pas de choisir soigneusement le matériel et la finition appropriés pour obtenir l'esthétique et la fonctionnalité souhaitées.

Mots clés Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, furniture surface covers, Tambour window, Tambour door, flexible and rollable wood Tambour boards, Tambour boards, V-grooved flexible and rollable wood panel boards, Flexible wood panel boards, DIY