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L'utilisation de panneaux de bois flexibles avec un design en V ou rainuré pour rénover d'anciens meubles offre plusieurs avantages.


Using flexible wood panel boards with V-grooved or fluted wood slats design to renew old furniture by DIY

Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards

Panneau mural cannelé flexible demi-rond en bois massif ou MDF

Types de bois : Chêne Rouge Massif, Panneau MDF

Taille : 4 pieds x 8 pieds (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Hauteur : 6 mm

Bâton demi-rond : Largeur de 18 mm

Support : Support en tissu non tissé renforcé à la résine ECO

Origine : Fabriqué à Taïwan

Panneau mural avec des lattes de bois flexibles et un dessus en placage de bois

Types de bois : Chêne, Érable, Cerisier et panneau MDF

Taille : 4 pieds x 8 pieds (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Épaisseur : 3 mm

Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

Structure : Couche supérieure Placage de bois Couche intermédiaire Panneau MDF Couche inférieure Support en tissu non tissé renforcé de résine ECO ou papier kraft

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, flexible wood panel boards, renew old furniture, wood slats,wood slats design, DIY, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels,

Origine : Fabriqué à Taïwan

Flexible Wood Panel Boards for Furniture skin Covering: Enhance Your Furniture with Ease

Upgrade your interior wood paneling, Flexible Wood Panel Boards with V-grooved wood slats pattern, and bring new life to your furniture with our Flexible Wood Panel Boards with wood slats pattern for Furniture Finishing Covering. Designed to provide a seamless and stylish finish, this versatile board is ideal for enhancing the appearance of closets, cabinets, bookcases, and more.

Whether you’re looking to revamp old furniture or transform non-wood furniture into stunning pieces, our V-grooved Flexible Wood Panel Boards with wood slats pattern offers the perfect solution for the outer covers. With just a few simple tools, you can unleash your creativity and design your own unique patterns. The flexible nature of the Flexible Wood Panel Board allows it to be easily cut with a knife, enabling a perfect fit around sharp corners and curved angles. Plus, the reinforced textile/paper backing ensures easy gluing and lamination onto the furniture’s surface.

Using flexible wood panel boards with V-grooved or fluted wood slats design to renew old furniture by outer skin covers offers several advantages:

  1. Easy to Work with: The flexible nature of the flexible wood panel boards allows for easy cutting using simple tools like utility knives, scissors, or hand saws. This makes it convenient for DIY enthusiasts and those without specialized woodworking equipment to work with and customize the flexible wood panel board to fit their specific furniture design needs.The V-grooved flexible characteristics of the flexible wood panel board allow it to conform flawlessly to any decorative shape, ensuring a seamless and professional finish.
  2. Versatile Design: The V-grooved or fluted wood slats design of the flexible wood panel board provides a modern and stylish look to the furniture. The grooved lines not only add visual interest but also offer flexibility, allowing the flexible wood panel boards to cover curved surfaces and wrap around edges smoothly. This versatility enables users to re-composite the wood flexible wood panel boards into various designs, giving them the freedom to create unique and personalized furniture pieces.
  3. Thin Profile: With a thickness of only 3 mm, the flexible wood panel boards are lightweight and do not add significant bulk or weight to the furniture. This feature is especially beneficial when renewing old furniture, as it allows for a sleek and contemporary appearance without compromising on structural integrity.wall and furniture covers, Home interior decoration, Art WallsPanneau de bois à rainures en V, coupé librement et re-composé selon les souhaits de l'utilisateur, pour créer de nouveaux designs pour les revêtements de murs et de surfaces de meubles.


    interior wood paneling, timber panel, wall panel, wood panel, panel wood, wood panel wall for wall and furniture decoration, wood panel on furniture, Flexible Wood Board, Flexible wood Board

    Couper librement et combiner dans différents motifs.

    interior wood paneling, timber panel, wall panel, wood panel, panel wood, wood panel wall for wall and furniture decoration, wood panel on furniture, Flexible Wood Board, Flexible Wood Board
    Couper librement et combiner dans différents motifs.
  4. Rentabilité : L'utilisation de panneaux de bois flexibles est généralement plus rentable que le bois massif ou les placages de bois plus épais. Cela en fait une option abordable pour ceux qui souhaitent rénover leurs meubles avec un budget limité.
  5. Respectueux de l'environnement : Si les panneaux de bois flexibles sont fabriqués à partir de matériaux respectueux de l'environnement, tels que des fibres de bois recyclées ou durables, cela contribue à l'éco-responsabilité du processus de renouvellement des meubles. Le choix de matériaux respectueux de l'environnement aide à réduire l'impact environnemental et favorise les pratiques durables.
  6. DIY Creativity: By providing the user with the ability to freely cut and re-composite the flexible wood panel boards, the flexible design encourages creativity in DIY projects. The flexible wood panel boards can be freely cut and combined according to your preferred patterns, enabling you to create truly customized and eye-catching designs. Users can experiment with different patterns, arrangements, and combinations, resulting in a custom furniture piece that reflects their unique style and taste.
  7. Installation rapide et facile : La facilité de travail avec les panneaux de bois flexibles signifie que le processus de renouvellement des meubles est susceptible d'être plus rapide et plus simple. Cela est particulièrement avantageux pour ceux qui souhaitent transformer leurs anciens meubles sans investir une quantité importante de temps et d'efforts.

Overall, the use of flexible wood panel boards with V-grooved or fluted wood slats design presents a cost-effective, eco-friendly, and versatile solution for renewing old furniture. It empowers users to unleash their creativity and gives them the opportunity to craft custom furniture pieces that suit their individual preferences and needs.

Mots clés wood wall paneling, Wall Panels, flexible wood panel boards, renew old furniture, wood slats, wood veneer, DIY