Panneau de bois flexible, Enveloppe de colonne, Revêtement et décoration mural/plafond/poteau/colonne

Panneaux de bois flexibles à trois couches pour les murs courbés, les poteaux ronds et les surfaces de meubles, particulièrement adaptés pour couvrir et décorer les objets courbés.


Les panneaux de bois flexibles à trois couches sont composés d'une couche supérieure de placage en bois, d'une couche intermédiaire de panneau MDF haute qualité ECO et d'une couche de support textile à l'arrière. Les deux couches supérieures sont rainurées en forme de V pour offrir une caractéristique flexible, particulièrement conçue pour la couverture et la décoration de murs courbés, de poteaux ronds et de surfaces de meubles, en particulier pour couvrir des objets courbés.


Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards

Panneau mural avec des lattes de bois flexibles et un dessus en placage de bois

Types de bois : Chêne, Érable, Cerisier et panneau MDF

Taille : 4 pieds x 8 pieds (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Épaisseur : 3 mm

Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

Structure : Couche supérieure Placage de bois Couche intermédiaire Panneau MDF Couche inférieure Support en tissu non tissé renforcé de résine ECO ou papier kraft

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, curved covers, interior decoration, flexible wood panel boards, curved wall, round pole, furniture surface covering, curved object covers, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels,

Origine : Fabriqué à Taïwan

La combinaison d'une couche supérieure de placage en bois, d'une plaque MDF ECO de haute qualité et d'un support textile avec un design à rainures en V ou à cannelures et des lattes offre aux concepteurs et aux architectes une large gamme de possibilités créatives pour les projets d'intérieur et d'architecture. Avec une qualité améliorée, un respect de l'environnement et un caractère boisé, ces panneaux de bois flexibles sont un choix polyvalent et attrayant pour diverses applications tant dans les environnements résidentiels que commerciaux.

Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards for curved wall, round pole and furniture surface covering, especially for curved object covers and decoration


Advantages of flexible wood panel boards:

  1. Enhanced Material Quality: The use of ECO high-quality MDF board of  these Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards with more even particles and higher wood powder quantity results in a superior material with improved density and strength. This contributes to a more durable and reliable panel.
  2. Reduced Chemical Resin Content: With less chemical resin used in the manufacturing process, the ECO MDF board of these Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards is more environmentally friendly and emits fewer harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) compared to traditional MDF.
  3. Consistent and Smooth Surface: The even particles and higher wood powder quantity create a smoother and more uniform surface on the MDF board of the Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards, enhancing the overall appearance and making it suitable for high-end applications.
  4. Eco-Friendly Choice: The production of ECO high-quality MDF board with more wood powder and reduced chemical resin of the Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards aligns with environmentally conscious practices, contributing to sustainable and eco-friendly design.

Usages of flexible wood panel boards:

  1. High-End Furniture Manufacturing: The superior quality and consistent surface of the ECO MDF board of the Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards make it ideal for crafting high-end furniture pieces that require a flawless finish.
  2. Architectural Millwork: These Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards can be used for various architectural millwork applications, such as custom moldings, decorative panels, and intricate cabinetry.
  3. Custom Cabinetry and Closets: The smooth and uniform surface of the three layers combination flexible wood panel boards makes them suitable for custom cabinetry and closet installations, offering a refined and sophisticated solution.
  4. Luxury Retail Interiors: The high-quality and environmentally friendly features of the Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards make them an excellent choice for creating luxurious and sustainable retail interior spaces.
  5. Exhibition Booths and Trade Show Displays: The consistent and even surface of the Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards enhances their visual appeal, making them perfect for eye-catching and elegant exhibition booths and trade show displays.
  6. Hotel and Hospitality Design: The premium quality and smooth surface of the Three layers combination flexible wood panel boards can elevate the interior design of hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality establishments, creating a polished and welcoming atmosphere.

Mots clés wood wall paneling, Wall Panels, curved covers, interior decoration, flexible wood panel boards, curved wall, round pole, furniture surface covering, curved object covers, flexible wood panel boards