for interior decoration, wall/partition cover, pole/column cover, wood material

Los paneles de madera flexibles con ranuras en V tienen usos adicionales, como gabinetes y trabajos de carpintería, acentos decorativos, envolturas de columnas y pilastras, stands de exhibición, interiores de tiendas minoristas, fondos para hospitalidad, señalización y branding, interiores residenciales y comerciales.


Additional usages of the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards, such as Cabinetry and Millwork, Feature Accents, Column Wraps and Pilasters, Exhibition Booths, Retail Store Interiors, Hospitality Backdrops, Signage and Branding, Residential and Commercial Interiors

Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards

Panel de pared con lamas de madera flexibles y parte superior de chapa de madera

Tipos de madera: Roble, Arce, Cerezo y tablero de MDF

Tamaño: 4 pies x 8 pies (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Espesor: 3 mm

Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

Estructura: Capa superior Chapa de madera Capa intermedia Tablero MDF Capa inferior Respaldo de tela no tejida reforzada con resina ECO o papel kraft

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, V-grooved flexible wood panels, Column Wraps, Column Wraps, Flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, Ceiling Design,

Origen: Hecho en Taiwán

Los mejores paneles Tambour, paneles de madera flexibles con ranuras en V en tres capas, con la capa superior en chapa de madera seleccionada, la capa intermedia en tablero de MDF y el respaldo reforzado con textil, y luego ranuras en V en las dos capas superiores para lograr un carácter flexible y enrollable, y con diseño de lamas de madera, serán la mejor elección para estos propósitos.

Los paneles de madera flexibles (paneles Tambour) en tres capas, con la capa superior hecha de chapa de madera seleccionada, la capa intermedia hecha de tablero de MDF y el respaldo reforzado con textil, están diseñados para mejorar la flexibilidad, la capacidad de enrollado y la durabilidad, siempre son la primera elección.

Some more additional usages of these V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) supplied by Carol Young Corporation:

  1. Cabinetry and Millwork: These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) can be used for creating custom cabinetry, millwork, and built-in furniture pieces. These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) can be applied as door panels, drawer fronts, or integrated into architectural details, adding a touch of elegance and texture to the overall design.
  2. Feature Accents: These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) can be used as feature accents in interior spaces. These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) can be applied to highlight specific areas like fireplace surrounds, recessed niches, or focal points on walls, creating a visually striking focal element.
  3. Column Wraps and Pilasters: In addition to wrapping poles or columns, these V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) can be used to create decorative column wraps or pilasters, adding architectural interest and refinement to spaces.
  4. Exhibition Booths: These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) are well-suited for constructing exhibition booths and trade show displays. These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) ‘s flexibility allows for easy transportation and installation, while the V-grooved wood slats design adds visual appeal to attract attention in a busy exhibition environment.
  5. Retail Store Interiors: These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) can be used in retail store interiors to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) can be applied to wall sections, display fixtures, or even cash wraps, enhancing the overall aesthetic and helping to showcase products effectively.
  6. Hospitality Backdrops: These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) are ideal for creating decorative backdrops in hospitality settings such as hotels, restaurants, or bars. They can be used behind reception desks, as feature walls in dining areas, or even as decorative elements in hotel lobbies, providing a luxurious and inviting ambiance.
  7. Signage and Branding: These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) can be utilized for signage and branding purposes. By incorporating logos, text, or graphics into the V-grooved design, they can create visually appealing and cohesive branding elements for businesses or organizations.
  8. Residential and Commercial Interiors: These V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) can be used in various residential and commercial interior design projects. From enhancing feature walls in homes to adding texture and interest in office spaces or public areas, the panels offer versatility and style.

Estos son solo algunos usos más para mostrar la versatilidad deflexibles con ranuras en V (paneles Tambour).Su flexibilidad, estética y facilidad de instalación los hacen adecuados para una amplia gama de aplicaciones tanto en entornos residenciales como comerciales.

Palabras clave Ceiling Design, V-grooved flexible wood panels, Column Wraps, Column Wraps, Flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards