Además de envolver postes, los paneles de madera flexible con ranuras en V suministrados por Carol Young Corp. tienen otros usos valiosos.


Beside wrapping poles, the V-grooved flexible wood panel supplied by Carol Young Corp. have other valuable usages

Los mejores tableros de tambor, paneles de madera flexible con ranuras en V de tres capas, la parte superior en chapa de madera seleccionada, el centro en tablero de MDF y la parte trasera con soporte textil, luego con ranuras en V en las dos capas superiores para lograr un carácter flexible y enrollable, y con diseño de lamas, serán la mejor elección para estos propósitos.

Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards

Panel de pared con lamas de madera flexibles y parte superior de chapa de madera

Tipos de madera: Roble, Arce, Cerezo y tablero de MDF

Tamaño: 4 pies x 8 pies (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Espesor: 3 mm

Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

Estructura: Capa superior Chapa de madera Capa intermedia Tablero MDF Capa inferior Respaldo de tela no tejida reforzada con resina ECO o papel kraft

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, wrapping poles, V-grooved flexible wood panel, flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards

Origen: Hecho en Taiwán

Los paneles de madera flexibles, tableros de tambor, de tres capas, con la capa superior hecha de chapa de madera seleccionada, la capa intermedia hecha de tablero de MDF y la parte trasera respaldada con textil, están diseñados para ofrecer mayor flexibilidad, enrollabilidad y durabilidad, siempre son la primera elección.

Besides wrapping poles or columns, the V-grooved flexible wood panels (Tambour boards) have various other usages

Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos:
  1. Wall Paneling: These Flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, can be used to create decorative and textured wall paneling in residential or commercial spaces. The wood slats grooves add visual interest and depth to the walls, enhancing the overall design aesthetics.
  2. Ceiling Treatments: These Flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, are suitable for creating unique and visually appealing ceiling treatments. Whether it’s covering an entire ceiling or creating accent sections, the V-grooved wood slats design adds architectural interest and enhances the ambiance of the space.
  3. Furniture Design: These Flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, can be utilized in furniture design, such as creating custom headboards, cabinet doors, or decorative wood panels for shelves. The V-grooved wood slats pattern can add a distinctive touch and elevate the overall design of furniture pieces.
  4. Retail Displays: These Flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, can be incorporated into retail displays, providing a visually engaging backdrop for showcasing products. Whether used as wall cladding or to create display fixtures, these flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, can add a sense of sophistication and elegance to retail spaces.
  5. Room Dividers: These flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, can be used as room dividers or partitions to separate spaces while maintaining visual flow. The V-grooved wood slats design can enhance the privacy and aesthetics of the divided areas.
  6. Feature Walls: By using these flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, on a focal wall, they can create a dramatic feature that draws attention and becomes a statement piece in the room. The V-grooved wood slats pattern adds texture and dimension to the wall surface.
  7. Hospitality Design: These flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, can be integrated into hospitality settings like hotels, restaurants, or lounges to enhance the interior design. From wall applications to decorative elements, these flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards, can create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Estos son solo algunos ejemplos de las versátiles aplicaciones de estos tableros de madera flexibles, tableros de tambor. La adaptabilidad y el diseño único de estos tableros de madera flexibles, tableros de tambor, los hacen adecuados para diversos proyectos de diseño de interiores y arquitectura.

Palabras clave wrapping poles, V-grooved flexible wood panel, flexible wood panel boards, Tambour boards