panel de madera, envoltura de columna, tablero de panel de madera maciza semicircular flexible

Tambour board, a versatile and flexible wood panel boards used for furniture, wall, column or pole covers or wraps and curved art walls, round objects decor


Introduce our high-quality Tambour board, a versatile and flexible wood panel boards,  that can be used for a variety of applications, including furniture, wall, column or pole covers/wraps, and curved art walls, round objects

Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards (Tambour board)


Tablero de panel de pared de palos de madera maciza o MDF semicircular acanalado flexible

Tipos de madera: Roble Rojo Macizo, Tablero MDF

Tamaño: 4 pies x 8 pies (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Altura: 6 mm

Barra semicircular: Ancho de 18 mm

Soporte: Respaldo de tela no tejida reforzada con resina ECO

Origen: Hecho en Taiwán

Panel de pared con lamas de madera flexibles y parte superior de chapa de madera

Tipos de madera: Roble, Arce, Cerezo y tablero de MDF

Tamaño: 4 pies x 8 pies (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Espesor: 3 mm

Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

Estructura: Capa superior Chapa de madera Capa intermedia Tablero MDF Capa inferior Respaldo de tela no tejida reforzada con resina ECO o papel kraft

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, Tambour board, flexible wood panel, art walls, flexible wood panel board, be used for furniture, wall, column or pole covers/wraps and curved art walls, round objects, Wall covering,

Origen: Hecho en Taiwán

Tambour board, a versatile and flexible wood panel boards, used for a variety of applications, including furniture, wall, column or pole covers/wraps, and curved art walls, round objects

The flexibility of the tambour board, flexible wood panel board, likely makes it an attractive option for those to create unique and curved designs in their projects. Its versatility allows it to be incorporated into various settings, whether it’s residential or commercial spaces.

Como panel de tambor de madera flexible, es importante resaltar la calidad del material utilizado. Los clientes apreciarán la durabilidad y estética del panel, así como su potencial para mejorar el aspecto general y la sensación de sus proyectos.

When marketing and promoting the tambour board, flexible wood panel board, be sure to emphasize its key features, such as its flexibility, versatility, and high-quality craftsmanship. Showcasing examples of its applications through visuals or case studies can help potential customers visualize how they can incorporate the board into their own projects.

Additionally, consider highlighting any unique characteristics or benefits of the tambour board, flexible wood panel board, en comparación con Comparado con productos similares en el mercado, esto le ayudará a diferenciar su oferta y atraer a los clientes que buscan específicamente las ventajas que el producto ofrece.

Overall, the high-quality tambour board, flexible wood panel board, show an exciting addition to the market, catering to various creative and functional needs in the realm of furniture, wall coverings, and architectural design.

Palabras clave Wall covering, Tambour board, flexible wood panel, art walls, Flexible wood panel board, furniture surface cover, wall cover, wall coverings, pole covers, column wraps, curved art walls, round objects, Interior pole wraps and column covering.