for interior decoration, wall/partition cover, pole/column cover, wood material

Paneles de madera flexibles (tableros de tambor) con listones de madera con ranuras en V o palos semicirculares acanalados, diseño para envolver postes redondos de bricolaje.


Flexible wood panel boards (tambour boards) with V-grooved wood slats or fluted half round sticks design for wrapping round pole and covering curved wall

Specification sheet of flexible wood panel boards (tambour boards)


Panel de tambor de palos de madera maciza o MDF flexibles y acanalados semicirculares

Tipos de madera: Roble Rojo Macizo, Tablero MDF

Tamaño: 4 pies x 8 pies (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Altura: 6 mm

Barra semicircular: Ancho de 18 mm

Soporte: Respaldo de tela no tejida reforzada con resina ECO

Origen: Hecho en Taiwán

Panel de tambor con listones de madera ranurados flexibles en la parte superior de chapa de madera

Tipos de madera: Roble, Arce, Cerezo y tablero de MDF

Tamaño: 4 pies x 8 pies (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Espesor: 3 mm

Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

Estructura: Capa superior Chapa de madera Capa intermedia Tablero MDF Capa inferior Respaldo de tela no tejida reforzada con resina ECO o papel kraft

Usages:  Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, ceiling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting, flexible Wood Panel Board, Wrap Round Pole, DIY, flexible wood panel boards, tambour boards, V-grooved wood slats,  fluted half round sticks design, columns wrap, round pole cover, DIY, wood wall paneling, Wall Panels,

Origen: Hecho en Taiwán

Flexible wood panel boards (tambour boards) for wrapping round pole and covering curved wall

Are you looking to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your space We have the perfect solution for you! Our flexible wood panel boards (tambour boards) with V-grooved wood slats or fluted half round sticks design are specifically designed to wrap round poles or cover the curved wall, creating a stunning visual impact that will leave everyone in awe.

With our flexible wood panel boards (tambour boards) with V-grooved wood slats or fluted half round sticks design, you can effortlessly transform ordinary round poles into eye-catching features that exude charm and style. The flexibility and bendability of our flexible wood panel boards (tambour boards) with V-grooved wood slats or fluted half round sticks design allow for a seamless application, ensuring a smooth and flawless finish that enhances the natural beauty of the wood.

Whether you have a staircase railing, a support column, or any other rounded structure, our flexible wood panel boards (tambour boards) with V-grooved wood slats or fluted half round sticks design will conform to the curves and contours, adding a touch of luxury to your surroundings. The strong reinforced support textile backing ensures a secure and durable bond, guaranteeing that our panels will remain firmly in place.

Unleash your creativity and turn those round poles into works of art. Visit our website to explore our range of flexible wood panel boards and embark on your journey to redefine the aesthetics of your space.

revestimientos de columnas interiores, revestimientos de postes, revestimientos de columnas de madera, revestimientos de madera, paneles de madera interiores, paneles de madera, paneles de madera, paneles de madera, paneles de madera, postes/columnas/cubiertas y decoración de postes, Panel de madera maciza semicircular flexible con moldura de madera maciza
Flexible Half-Round Solid Red Oak Panel with Solid Red Oak Molding Cap & Base set for Pole/Column Covering and Decoration
square wood shelf on pole, interior column wraps, pole coverings, wood column wraps, wood wrap, interior wood paneling, timber panel, wood panel, panel wood, wood panel, wood shelf on pole/column
Conjunto de estantería para bebidas de madera maciza de roble rojo en forma cuadrada.
Decoración multiusos para poste/columna.
Flexible cherry wood panel board and molding for pole covers and decoration by d
panel board with molding for pole/column covering

Mejore su juego de diseño de interiores con nuestros tableros de paneles de madera flexibles (tableros de persiana) con listones de madera ranurados en V o diseño de palos semicirculares acanalados, donde la belleza se une a la funcionalidad.

If interested on the pole and wall covering wood panel boards, you may further refer the website as under listed:

Palabras clave wood wall paneling, Wall Panels, Flexible Wood Panel Board, Wrap Round Pole, DIY, flexible wood panel boards, tambour boards, V-grooved wood slats,  fluted half round sticks design, columns wrap, round pole cover