for interior decoration, wall/partition cover, pole/column cover, wood material

Creating a Tambour window using V-grooved flexible and rollable wood Tambour panel boards


Creating a Tambour window using grooved flexible and rollable wood panel boards (Tambour boards) involves several steps


Specification sheet of flexible and rollable wood panel boards (Tambour boards)


Flexible geriffelte halbrunde Wandpaneelplatte aus Massivholz oder MDF-Holzstäben

Holzarten: Massivholz Roteiche, MDF-Platte

Größe: 4 Fuß x 8 Fuß (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Höhe: 6 mm

Halbrunder Stab: 18 mm Breite

Rückseite: Rückseite aus ECO-Harz verstärktem Vliesstoff

Herkunft: Hergestellt in Taiwan

Wandpaneel mit flexiblen gerillten Holzlatten und Holzfurnier-Oberseite

Holzarten: Eiche, Ahorn, Kirsche und MDF-Platte

Größe: 4 Fuß x 8 Fuß (1200 mm x 2400 mm)

Dicke: 3 mm

Flat slat by V-grooved:  13 mm, 43 mm, 67 mm and other widths for special orders

Struktur: Obere Schicht Holzfurnier, mittlere Schicht MDF-Platte, untere Schicht ECO-harzverstärkter Vliesstoffträger oder Kraftpapier

Usages:  Tambour window, Tambour door, flexible and rollable wood Tambour boards, Tambour boards, V-grooved flexible and rollable wood panel boards, Flexible wood panel boards, DIY, Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, furniture surface covers, flooring, wainscoting

Herkunft: Hergestellt in Taiwan

Guide on how to create a Tambour window by grooved flexible and rollable wood panel board (Tambour board):

Materialien und Werkzeuge:

  1. V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards):The best Tambour boards, V-grooved Flexible wood panel boards in three layers, top in selected wood veneer, middle MDF board and back with textile support then V-grooved or fluted on the upper two layers for the flexible and rollable character and with slats design will be the best selection for this Tambour window material. V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) in three layers, with the top layer made of selected wood veneer, the middle layer made of MDF board, and the back supported with textile, are designed for enhanced flexibility, rollability and durability always the first choose for Tambour window making.
  2. Montageschienen für Tambour-Platten
  3. Tambourtür-Hardware-Set (einschließlich Schienen, Tambourgewebe usw.)
  4. Maßband
  5. Säge
  6. Schraubendreher
  7. Bleistift
  8. Holzleim
  9. Schleifpapier
  10. Finish (Anstrich oder Lasur)

Steps of creating a Tambour window by grooved flexible and rollable wood panel board (Tambour board):

  1. Measure and Cut the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards)
    • Messen Sie die Abmessungen Ihres Fensterrahmens, an dem Sie das Tambour-Fenster installieren möchten.
    • Schneiden Sie die V-genuteten flexiblen Holzpaneelplatten (Tambourplatten) auf die Abmessungen des Fensterrahmens zurecht.
  2. Prepare the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards)
    • Sand the edges and surfaces of the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) to ensure smoothness.
    • Apply finish (paint or stain) to the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) if desired. Allow them to dry.
  3. Die Montageschienen installieren.
    • Install the mounting tracks on the sides of the window frame. These tracks will guide the movement of the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards).
  4. Befestigen Sie das Tambourgewebe.
    • Some Tambour door hardware kits come with tambour cloth. Attach the tambour cloth to the back of the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards), ensuring it is properly aligned.
  5. Tambourplatten einsetzen.
    • Carefully insert the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) into the mounting tracks, starting from the bottom and sliding them into place
  6. Testen und anpassen
    • Slide the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) up and down to test their movement. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure smooth operation.
  7. Secure the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards)
    • Sobald Sie mit der Bewegung zufrieden sind, befestigen Sie die Tambourbretter an Ort und Stelle mit Holzleim oder anderen geeigneten Befestigungsmitteln.
  8. Letzte Handgriffe
    • Make sure the Tambour window made of the V-grooved flexible wood panel boards (Tambour boards) operates smoothly. Apply any final finish touches, such as adding handles or pulls for easy operation.

Durch Befolgen dieser Schritte können Sie ein Tambour-Fenster mit V-genuteten, flexiblen und aufrollbaren Holzpaneel-Tambourplatten erstellen. Denken Sie daran, das passende Zubehör und Finish sorgfältig auszuwählen, um die gewünschte Ästhetik und Funktionalität zu erreichen.

Schlüsselwörter Interior pole wraps and column covering, wood wall paneling, furniture surface covers, Tambour window, Tambour door, flexible and rollable wood Tambour boards, Tambour boards, V-grooved flexible and rollable wood panel boards, Flexible wood panel boards, DIY